Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Florahome USA blog in its ongoing effort to make itself easily found on the internet, is now in upper case for your convenience. Sometimes the most effective means to achieving a goal is overlooked because of its sheer simplicity, but the old KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) adage may apply in this case. Along those same lines, a link was added to the Homework Help shelf of the Link Library this morning that may be useful to not only students, but anyone looking for a fairly simple way to improve their memory. These techniques help make what you want to remember stick out in your mind like this Florahome USA blog is trying to stick out on the internet. The website linked to also has many other mental tools you may find useful, so check it out. This post is being kept short and simple as well to focus on more behind the scenes stuff, but hopefully this blog will be kept reasonably up-to-date. The internet has enough 'last updated in 1804' blogs and websites. Even if that's the fate of this blog, AT LEAST THEY'LL KNOW FLORAHOME USA WAS HERE!