
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Florahome, Florida - Florahome USA

Finding real information on Florahome, Florida can be found at Florahome USA. The Florahome USA blog is located in Florahome, Florida, so when you read on the internet about Florahome's five star restaurants and wonderful hotel accomodations and how you can easily get to those accomodations by rental car from the Florahome International Airport, you might want to check here first. Anyone living here in Florahome can tell you the only way you'll be eating five star food in Florahome Florida is at somebody's home. The closest thing we have to a restaurant of any kind at the moment would be the Subway at the Kangaroo Express, but unlike a 5 star restaurant, you are not required to wear shoes. We have no airport here either, although you may occasionally see people flying through Florahome as if they WERE in a plane. As for those hotel accomodations, this may come as a surprise to some folks even here in Florahome, but early in its history, Florahome would have in fact been able to provide a hotel room for its guests within a short distance from a beautiful little train station. But like the train station that burned down in 1923, those hotel rooms are now but a memory. There was even a Florahome library at one time, but it too was forgotten long before there was a thing called the internet. Like the Florahome Centennial Committee did with its Florahome 100th year anniversary celebration back in October of 1999, it's good to occasionally remind folks of Florahome's history, of what it once was and what it can be now in this new age of possibilities. The whole point of the matter is this - however Florahome may be percieved, we the residence of Florahome can without reservation say this much, Florahome cannot at this moment accomodate a Boeing 737. It can however be a very pleasant place to live. And just so you know it's real and not some web bot making it up, this information is coming to you directly from right here in Florahome, Florida at Florahome USA.

You can help preserve the history of Florahome and other places in Florida by sending your information, memories, stories and photos to the email address at the bottom of the page. Please do not send copywrited material. Thanks

Since many people are coming from Google to Florahome USA via this post - here's a link to the current Florahome USA post in case you missed the button over on the right side of the page. You can find all the Florahome USA posts further down also on the right hand side in the blog archive. Be sure to visit the Bulletin Board page too - it's usually updated every day.