
Saturday, October 23, 2010

A bazaar event, party animal lost, new baby, selling a TV at a yard sale in Florahome, Florida?

A bazaar, event, party, animal lost, new baby, selling a TV at a yard sale in Florahome, Florida?   Post it on the Community Center page of the Florahome USA blog.

While this post IS a blatant attempt by Florahome USA to attract new visitors, it also proves how powerful the Community Center page can be. It also makes the point - PUNCTUATION IS IMPORTANT!   With the ever increasing speed of communication these days, attention to such details has become lax when it should be just the opposite. A missing comma or misspelled word can give a message - text or otherwise, a whole different meaning. People are summoned to courtrooms across the country every day for messages communicated unintentionally. Many of these political attack ads we see constantly are based on some message taken out of context, but if the message was clear to begin with, the truth CAN be known. Anyway, it's something to think about. And while your thinking about it, if you DO have a bazaar, event, party, animal lost, new baby, selling a TV at a yard sale or anything else you'd like to let people know about in Florahome, Florida? Then post it on the Community Center page of the Florahome USA blog. Thanks.