
Sunday, October 31, 2010

You know - That Halloween Little Orphan Annie Goblin Poem

Yeah, That Halloween Little Orphan Annie Goblin poem.   James Whitcomb Riley's poem has been around since 1885 and will probably be around a good while longer. Though many things change in the world over time, human nature isn't one of them. Those things that stick around - like that Little Orphan Annie Goblin Poem have found that place in us that can't be touched or seen but can be felt, and those feelings are no different than they were in 1885. The reason is simple - Little Orphan Annie was REAL and her 'Gobble-uns'- those dark creepy things you never see but you KNOW are there, they were real too. They were real to her and come to life every Halloween when it gets dark and creepy and that thing in human nature that doesn't change comes out to play. Little Orphan Annie called them Goblins but there IS another name it goes by,... that thing we call,...  f-fff-ffear. Wonder if the neighbors would like these Haunted House tickets?