
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Bed and Breakfast Time Machines

Gainesville, Florida

As technology keeps advancing at a faster clip each year, some of us get caught up in the digital dance tripping over our own two feet as our fingers tap away on the latest and greatest new toy. Others raised on the analog two step find the dance floor too crowded and too loud, longing for the old days when people spoke to each other face to face, intead of in a cyberspace cloud. Being a horse and buggy in the day of GPS and bluetooth can be a lonely affair however, (not to mention being run over by those alloy wheels). And running over that horse and buggy while swearing at the disembodied lady giving directions from your GPS may not be the high point of human progress either. Perhaps a meeting in the middle is a better course,... something like the way they return one of those grand old Victorian homes of the past to its former glory while at the same time rendering it digital friendly and wi-fi ready. Just over in Gainesville, there are several homes like that, having been turned into Bed and Breakfast time machines allowing you both to remember that era of grace and beauty without leaving you there if you need to answer that important call. We will never see such a time again, and in truth it never was quite as romantic as we'd like to believe, But still, it may not be such a bad idea for some of us to put away our toys for a while and connect with a person instead of a plug, or for others to learn to download an old tune instead of downing a new one. In all honesty, no matter what box we choose to live in, couldn't we all probably do with a fresh coat of paint.