
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Message from Florahome USA

For those emailing with questions about Florahome USA, here's the deal. most social sites and blogs become focused on the individual doing the blog, facebook page or whatever and there's nothing wrong with that, but with Florahome USA, the idea is a bit different. Florahome USA is really about people and not about any one person. It's about ALL the people living here and anyone else who might like to spend a little time in a place where most driving directions can still be started with a single stop light. As far as the information on Florahome USA goes, it may come from a variety of sources depending on what the information is about, but hopefully the more people become aware of the blog and get comfortable with it, the more they will be willing to share their knowledge, photos and other contributions with the rest of us. Us is the the key word. Florahome USA is about us and that offers one more benefit those sites centered around just one person don't - it offers time. The only way to keep Florahome USA updated, interesting and informative for both those living here and those who don't and to make it profitable enough to continue, is to have enough time to do the work it requires. Hopefully Florahome USA will be worth the effort, but that part of the deal is entirely up to you. Thanks

Just one more thing:
If you do wish to contribute to this blog, just email what you have along with any special instructions to the address at the bottom of the page. If you don't want photos or other materials to be copied, PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM. Florahome USA assumes no responsibility for copywrited material. Be assured however, whatever you do send will be treated and presented in the most respectful manner possible.