Sunday, November 7, 2010
Thanksgiving in Florahome, Florida
While celebrating Thanksgiving this year, a special thank you goes out to all those in and around the Florahome area that help make the lives of those living here far better. Even recently with the Living Hope Worship Center 's Harvest Hoedown or the upcoming Thanksgiving for Seniors at Oak Avenue Baptist Church, its clear how greatly they, along with the other churches in this community remind us daily of our own blessings and our need to share those blessings with others. Thank you to those that volunteer their time and skills to keep us and our homes safe all year and more thanks still to those insane individuals who help make another Florahome house a Halloween horror each year. Thanks to those that put up signs reminding us a cleaner Florahome is a healthier and more attractive place to live and show we have a respect for ourselves, for each other and for the environment. Thanks go out as well for all the countless small acts of kindness and courtesies shown each day by family, friends and neighbors that go unappreciated. For the equally unappreciated time energy and sacrifice made by business owners, their employees and all those who make their living in Florahome, we should remember to say a very big THANK-YOU! From Florahome USA, thanks to all those who have visited and hopefully found this a pleasant and helpful place on the web for you and your family and friends. For these and all blessings, we thank the one who made us and pray not only on Thanksgiving but all year long we remember him each time we are blessed. Thank you.