
Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Florahome, Florida History Page

No this isn't the Florahome, Florida haunted house page, but Florahome does have its share of ghosts and a few may even materialize if word gets around. One of the reasons people visit a site like Florahome USA is out of curiosity about the history of the place. There have already been a few posts on the history of Florahome but having a central location linking them all will hopefully make it more convenient. Links found on the web concerning Florahome's history can also be added. The Florahome Florida history page is also an open invitation to anyone who would like to contribute their own version of the Florahome story. That could be an account of how you came to move here just a week ago, or a family history in the area going back generations. If you would like to share any photos, please make sure they are not subject to copyright and also keep in mind that this is a family oriented site so please make sure the language is appropriate. When your contribution is posted, a link will be added right here on the Florahome, Florida history page. By the way, if anyone recognizes the house at the top of the page, please send an e-mail. It was taken just west of Coral Farms Road near the Georges Lake area some time in the 1970s.

From the developers of Florahome:

Our settlements are invariably comprised of the better class of industrious, temperate, God-fearing people such as make good neighbors and a thrifty intelligent community. We insert a prohibitory liquor clause in every deed to keep out saloons.
(it doesn't say anything about a Kangaroo Express)

Florahome's Native American History - posted Dec. 4, 2010
Florahome, Florida - Dec. 29, 2010
Florahome is Changing - Dec. 10, 2010
A Florahome Landmark - Dec. 17, 2010
Florahome Fall Heritage Festival
Friends of Florahome
Florahome Station
Photos of the Strickland, and Cottingham families.
Florida's History


My name is Gregg and being a lover of History along with being an avid metal detectorist, I've combined these two great hobbies to help preserve our past. I love finding history behind an old town or neighborhood, talking with folks living there and listening to their story! It's a great opportunity to metal detect their old farm, grandma's yard or maybe an old park they remember that's now only woods. Finding those pieces of history, they can then be restored or at the very least saved for future generations. I do this all for free as I hope to one day be able to look back with children, grandchildren, and future generations to see what we saved to be remembered. Feel free to contact me via my email and depending on work schedule, family functions, etc we can set up a date and time to walk your property, discuss the historical aspect of it, etc.
Sometimes I do bring a Co-Worker/ Detecting partner as his families history from the civil war is what brought him to the hobby. Any questions....just email - I check my email daily. Thank you for your time.
