Saturday, May 8, 2010
Check Local Gas Prices at Florahome USA
Your welcome to check your local gas prices here at Florahome USA anytime just by clicking on the menu where it says gas and weather,... and thanks for stopping by. Sounds like an old advertisment from the fifties or early sixties doesn't it? Well that was the kind of courteous treatment people expected when stopping for gas back in the day and so by Jiminy, we're bringing it back for our, 'Check Your Local Gas Prices at Florahome USA' post. It must be hard for the young to fathom a world when gas stations were called service stations and along with your gas, you could get your windows washed and your oil checked while you yourself never even had to step out of the car. Can you remember the last time you heard the word courtesy? But it actually was in vogue at one time and so a little bit today probably wouldn't hurt. Well anyway,... enough with the nostalgia because now - when you Google Florahome USA, you can forget the parenthesis! Yes Florahome friends and neighbors, we are now officially showing up in in the Google search results for Florahome USA with NO PARENTHESIS!!! Okay, so we're in the fifth spot on page four, but at least you can find us now. The timing is just about right since the basic structure of this blog pretty much complete. Of course there will be more links added and updated when possible, but Florahome USA should be a useful place for Florida locals as well as out-of-towners even if a day or two is missed. It was a little scary today seeing how close we are to paying three dollars for a gallon of gas. Of course we were told it would probably get that high this summer, but it's different hearing about the possibility and actually seeing the numbers at the gas pump. Apparently it has more to do with the 'economic recovery' than our oil glutted sea. That's comforting. In debating as to whether to make Florahome USA a news site or not, there's now a story out about why the bees are all dying. maybe a compromise would be best on that deal about not making this a news blog and put a news link or two in the link library so readers will have a choice whether to read the news or look at monster trucks. While some may prefer Florahome USA to be a little more Mayberry than Manhattan, that's hard to do when Goober's selling gas at three bucks a gallon. Well we can't bring back back 30 cents for gas, but we can invite you to check your local gas prices right here at Florahome USA anytime. And by Jiminy, we can also say - please come again.