Thursday, May 6, 2010
Florahome USA - Florahome, FL Florida
If your looking for the Florahome USA blog in Florahome Florida, you found it. If you just need to see where Florahome FL is on the Florida map, click here. If your finger just had a spasm and you clicked the wrong link and ended up on a blog about some place in Florida called Florahome, well,..... would you like some orange juice? Reading about the census today, the good citizens of Putnam County Florida have responded to the 2010 census slightly better than most folks in the USA, with only about a quarter of its citizens using the census form to line the bottom of their bird's cage. According to the census of 2000 there were 1589 of us living in Florahome back then. It'll be interesting to see how fruitful we've been since then and just how much we've multiplied. More links have been added to our Florahome USA blog and a few changes or words have been added here and there. If you live in Florahome or somewhere in Florida close by, or you just came here looking for information on Florahome Florida,... or even if you just dropped by from a forefinger spasm, if you ever want to come back, (don't laugh - the census takers will hear you ) or you want to tell someone else how to get to this blog, all you have to do is enter Florahome USA in your Google search with parenthesis around the Florahome USA like this - "Florahome USA" and we will pop up in the search results right under the little Google map of Florahome, Florida. At least at the time this was posted it will. Of course our goal is to get to that front page or close to it without the parenthesis as most people will just type Florahome USA and leave out the " " and get that Floradix iron supplement ad from If your feeling tired and run down, this could be a good thing and you may want to try the Floradix. Otherwise, you may not get back here for a while. At any rate, whether you live in Florahome or somewhere in the Florahome area,... or your just looking to warm your spasmotic forefinger in the Florida sunshine, we're happy you found Florahome USA. That's,... "Florahome USA".