Monday, May 3, 2010
So where IS Florahome USA or or whatever? Well that's the question we need to get Google to answer when someone asks, but that's not an easy task when no one really knows exactly how Google works except for Google. Florahome USA has now at least been indexed by Google. For those who don't know what that means, it simply means Google now knows where we are but it doesn't think we're worth mentioning unless someone asks POINT BLANK and even then will only let it slip out in the sixth place slot if you put the Florahome USA in parenthesis. Think it's easy gettin' on that first page in Google? Nope. But still, it's good to see our little blog on the first page any way it can get there. So you may ask, why not just put up a sign and tell folks directly? Well let's say we put it on a sign and stick it up some place. 'Visit Florahome USA'. We would then need to let people know how to visit Florahome USA. Well that's easy, just go to Florahome What's a blogspot? Yeah, that's what most folks will say. Blogspot is owned by Google and is who this blog is with. It's a free service which makes it more affordable to try out new ideas (like Florahome USA), but it does make it harder for people to remember when searching for it on the internet. We could just break down and buy the Florahome USA domain and drop the blogspot, but even if it's just Florahome, many people will still be forgetting about the USA part and just be looking for So why not just call it It's already taken. But we're indexed now so let's see if we can push it out there where people can find it no matter what they type in. Since we already have a Florahome USA post, let's see what other searches people looking for this blog might come up with. Well we already have a 'Florahome' post as well as a 'Where is Florahome' post, so if people DO forget to add the USA part, they'll just be searching for, so let's start with that. Okay Googlebot,... see if you can find us at