Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Florahome USA
If you google 'Florahome USA,' right now, (May 5, 2010) the first site you will see returned is one promoting an iron rich supplement. If you google you will not see any information about Florahome in the first website returned for that search either. To see a website with genuine information about Florahome Florida returned first, you must search specifically for Florahome Florida. Florahome Florida is as you would expect, the most searched for term when searching for Florahome in Florida, so with most of the websites that contain actual content about Florahome competing for the top spot for that one search term, it may be a long wait before we manage to make it to page one there. The other two searches - and Florahome USA may be doable with a little time and effort. That's good since those would be the more likely search terms someone would use if they were trying to find this blog. Already, if you do a search for Florahome Florida in Google Blogs, we are listed about 4th place. We also currently come in at the number one spot for the 'Where is Florahome' blog search and of course we're #1 for Florahome USA. Unfortunately many people aren't even sure what a blog is and defintely have no clue where to find one. In case your curious, all you need to do is click the little arrow where it says 'more' on the Google search page and you'll see the word blog. Click on that and type in a search term just like you would any search and you will see a list of the blogs related to your search. Florahome USA would be easy for anyone to find there, but since the majority of those using the Google blog search are other bloggers, we will have to get somewhere near the top for the general search of the web to get the average person to find this site. On the brighter side, it does make it quieter around here and easier to work on the things that still need doing. For instance, a new game was posted on the kid's page today and of course was tested a couple of times to make sure everything was working right. Okay, it was played until the 'King of the Cul-de-sac' level was reached, but everybody's got to have a break sometime. More additions to the link library have been made and hopefully the library will eventually have enough link variety to give most folks something they would be interested in. It's debatable whether to put any news other than local on Florahome USA with there being so few places you can go these days where your not constantly bombarded with bomb scares or oil spills like the one currently headed for the Florida coast. But other people may have a different view of Florahome Florida and what Florahome USA should be - some may prefer to Florahome.calm,... but we'll see.