
Friday, May 21, 2010

HEY LOOK! It's the Bostwick Blueberry Festival

Update: The Festival for 2012 will be Saturday May 19th. Also check out their new website here for all the latest information.

The Bostwick Blueberry Festival for 2011 will be Saturday, May 21st from 8am to 4pm. It's amazing how this event has grown and just gets better every year. The demand for the blueberries was quite strong last year, so it's probably advisable to get there early. The famous Bostwick Blueberry Festival sausage and pancake breakfast (blueberries optional) is $6 and will be served from 8am until noon. Friday night's activities include a cook-off with blueberries a must and Saturday there will be musical entertainment, activities for the kids and of course blueberries celebrated in every fashion from T-shirts to homemade pies so come on out and have some fun!

For more information call 386-325-5075

Florida blueberry varieties


125 Tillman St.

Don't know where Bostwick Florida is?

Bostwick, FL

click on map to enlarge

Visit our friends at Pick Your Own!

Also on Florahome USA:

Grandin, Florida
Interlachen, Florida
Keystone Heights, Florida
Palatka, Florida
Melrose, Florida
A Place Called George's Lake


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Feeling for Florida

Many in the USA and even the world are feeling for Florida right now as the oil from the BP rig increasingly threatens to reach the Florida coast. Those who have visited Florida and have experienced the beauty and wonder of the state and its wildlife can appreciate just how great a loss it would be if the oil cannot be stopped soon. Those of us who were born here and call Florida our home will feel it for the rest of our lives. Florahome USA was originally intended to be a respite from the nearly continuous bombardment of bad news we all contend with these days, but when the news hits this close to home and the threat is so grave and the effects so massive that they will impact not only those of us who live in Florida, but those of us who live on this planet, there is no choice but to address it. As is said, a picture paints a thousand words, so seeing this disaster up close and through the lens of a camera may bring the point home better than any words could. A word of warning though, anyone having a heart for this planet and the life it supports will not find these images easy to view. Nevertheless the efforts of Time and the photographers who took them are appreciated as they graphically portray the situation as it is. Pray for Florida - pray for us all.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Flora - home USA

The Flora and the home part of the name Florahome comes from one of the prominent families in the area, the Sipprells. There are different versions of the story, but basically they all have to do with Flora Sipprell and people either going to her home or asking if Flora was home. Happily for us, her name wasn't Jocelyn. It was a simpler world when the town was established by the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway back in 1899. Those who have been here long enough will still remember the sound of the train coming through each day. It would've been impossible to imagine in 1899 the name Florahome or Florahome USA appearing on something called an internet, but Florahome USA has climbed now to the second page of Google which should make it easier to tell someone how to find this blog. Speaking of blogs, you can google 'Florahome blog' and you'll see Florahome USA on the very first page of Google. Better still, google 'Florahome USA blog' and we'll be in the number one spot returned. If not, it should be pretty close. There are still changes being made here and there, and this will continue whenever appropriate. For those out of work and looking for a job, there are some links in the Link Library - and you also may be interested in this EB article. Also added are quite a few links for Florida buffs in the library as well. If anyone knows of any Florida links that should be included in the Link Library, you can email Florahome USA at the address at the bottom of the page. And don't forget to let people know about Flora, her home, and Florahome USA.

You can help preserve the history of Florahome and other places in Florida by sending your information, memories, stories and photos to the email address at the bottom of the page. Please do not send any copywrited material. Thanks

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Florahome, Florida - Florahome USA

Finding real information on Florahome, Florida can be found at Florahome USA. The Florahome USA blog is located in Florahome, Florida, so when you read on the internet about Florahome's five star restaurants and wonderful hotel accomodations and how you can easily get to those accomodations by rental car from the Florahome International Airport, you might want to check here first. Anyone living here in Florahome can tell you the only way you'll be eating five star food in Florahome Florida is at somebody's home. The closest thing we have to a restaurant of any kind at the moment would be the Subway at the Kangaroo Express, but unlike a 5 star restaurant, you are not required to wear shoes. We have no airport here either, although you may occasionally see people flying through Florahome as if they WERE in a plane. As for those hotel accomodations, this may come as a surprise to some folks even here in Florahome, but early in its history, Florahome would have in fact been able to provide a hotel room for its guests within a short distance from a beautiful little train station. But like the train station that burned down in 1923, those hotel rooms are now but a memory. There was even a Florahome library at one time, but it too was forgotten long before there was a thing called the internet. Like the Florahome Centennial Committee did with its Florahome 100th year anniversary celebration back in October of 1999, it's good to occasionally remind folks of Florahome's history, of what it once was and what it can be now in this new age of possibilities. The whole point of the matter is this - however Florahome may be percieved, we the residence of Florahome can without reservation say this much, Florahome cannot at this moment accomodate a Boeing 737. It can however be a very pleasant place to live. And just so you know it's real and not some web bot making it up, this information is coming to you directly from right here in Florahome, Florida at Florahome USA.

You can help preserve the history of Florahome and other places in Florida by sending your information, memories, stories and photos to the email address at the bottom of the page. Please do not send copywrited material. Thanks

Since many people are coming from Google to Florahome USA via this post - here's a link to the current Florahome USA post in case you missed the button over on the right side of the page. You can find all the Florahome USA posts further down also on the right hand side in the blog archive. Be sure to visit the Bulletin Board page too - it's usually updated every day.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

FLORAHOME USA community center

The community center of Florahome USA can be a great way to let those in the Florahome area or wherever the Florahome USA blog is seen, know about your next club meeting or some special event you'd like to announce. And if you've ever had a pet missing, you know how important it is to get the word out to as many people as possible as quickly as you can. The Florahome USA community center could be an immediate way to reach those able to help. It may take a little time for the community center at Florahome USA to become as popular as the corner of State Road 100 and Coral Farms Road for putting up a sign you'd like everyone to see, but if you take a look at the community center at the moment, it has potential. Not that there's anything wrong with a good old fashioned sign stuck right where folks can actually see it, but you generally catch more fish with a net than with a single hook. How successful the Florahome USA blog becomes will ultimately be decided by its visitors, but if it does develop into something useful, the Florahome USA community center will in all likelyhood still be around.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


If you haven't visited the link library on Florahome USA lately, the place just keeps gettin' bigger. Of course the library can't replace Google, but it does put a great deal of reading material in a fairly small space. A good internet directory (which is basically what the link library is) can save people searching the internet an enormous amount of time, but so many directories today are either automated or outdated and only add to the internet clutter. The links in the Florahome USA link library are for the most part pretty much up to date, and if they ARE automated, they still provide some useful information. As long as the number of links are kept to a reasonable level, the library should be a plus and avoid becoming just another example of information overkill. Another point about the blog that may need to be made, is that while Florahome USA is mainly intended to be for and about Florahome Florida and the people who live here, it's also meant to be a place on the web for Florahome's neighbors and other Florida residents, as well as those 'just passin' thru'. In time, there should be a fair balance between those links having to do with Florahome or the state of Florida and the ones linking to something more general like,... Spongebob Squarepants. That may be a bad example since there isn't a Spongebob Squarepants link in the link library, but you can go to the Nickelodeon link on the kid's page and find Spongebob if that's what your looking for. Well,... you know, you have to make sure the links are working for the kids is why it was tested. It was basically for the kids. That Spongebob game isn't that hot anyway. You can beat that,... creature thing to bloody pulp and it still won't go down. Well,... it was just the one game - for the kids. Well anyway, the link library's here at Florahome USA whenever you need it.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The Florahome USA blog in its ongoing effort to make itself easily found on the internet, is now in upper case for your convenience. Sometimes the most effective means to achieving a goal is overlooked because of its sheer simplicity, but the old KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) adage may apply in this case. Along those same lines, a link was added to the Homework Help shelf of the Link Library this morning that may be useful to not only students, but anyone looking for a fairly simple way to improve their memory. These techniques help make what you want to remember stick out in your mind like this Florahome USA blog is trying to stick out on the internet. The website linked to also has many other mental tools you may find useful, so check it out. This post is being kept short and simple as well to focus on more behind the scenes stuff, but hopefully this blog will be kept reasonably up-to-date. The internet has enough 'last updated in 1804' blogs and websites. Even if that's the fate of this blog, AT LEAST THEY'LL KNOW FLORAHOME USA WAS HERE!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Check Local Gas Prices at Florahome USA

Your welcome to check your local gas prices here at Florahome USA anytime just by clicking on the menu where it says gas and weather,... and thanks for stopping by. Sounds like an old advertisment from the fifties or early sixties doesn't it? Well that was the kind of courteous treatment people expected when stopping for gas back in the day and so by Jiminy, we're bringing it back for our, 'Check Your Local Gas Prices at Florahome USA' post. It must be hard for the young to fathom a world when gas stations were called service stations and along with your gas, you could get your windows washed and your oil checked while you yourself never even had to step out of the car. Can you remember the last time you heard the word courtesy? But it actually was in vogue at one time and so a little bit today probably wouldn't hurt. Well anyway,... enough with the nostalgia because now - when you Google Florahome USA, you can forget the parenthesis! Yes Florahome friends and neighbors, we are now officially showing up in in the Google search results for Florahome USA with NO PARENTHESIS!!! Okay, so we're in the fifth spot on page four, but at least you can find us now. The timing is just about right since the basic structure of this blog pretty much complete. Of course there will be more links added and updated when possible, but Florahome USA should be a useful place for Florida locals as well as out-of-towners even if a day or two is missed. It was a little scary today seeing how close we are to paying three dollars for a gallon of gas. Of course we were told it would probably get that high this summer, but it's different hearing about the possibility and actually seeing the numbers at the gas pump. Apparently it has more to do with the 'economic recovery' than our oil glutted sea. That's comforting. In debating as to whether to make Florahome USA a news site or not, there's now a story out about why the bees are all dying. maybe a compromise would be best on that deal about not making this a news blog and put a news link or two in the link library so readers will have a choice whether to read the news or look at monster trucks. While some may prefer Florahome USA to be a little more Mayberry than Manhattan, that's hard to do when Goober's selling gas at three bucks a gallon. Well we can't bring back back 30 cents for gas, but we can invite you to check your local gas prices right here at Florahome USA anytime. And by Jiminy, we can also say - please come again.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Florahome USA - Florahome, FL Florida

If your looking for the Florahome USA blog in Florahome Florida, you found it. If you just need to see where Florahome FL is on the Florida map, click here. If your finger just had a spasm and you clicked the wrong link and ended up on a blog about some place in Florida called Florahome, well,..... would you like some orange juice? Reading about the census today, the good citizens of Putnam County Florida have responded to the 2010 census slightly better than most folks in the USA, with only about a quarter of its citizens using the census form to line the bottom of their bird's cage. According to the census of 2000 there were 1589 of us living in Florahome back then. It'll be interesting to see how fruitful we've been since then and just how much we've multiplied. More links have been added to our Florahome USA blog and a few changes or words have been added here and there. If you live in Florahome or somewhere in Florida close by, or you just came here looking for information on Florahome Florida,... or even if you just dropped by from a forefinger spasm, if you ever want to come back, (don't laugh - the census takers will hear you ) or you want to tell someone else how to get to this blog, all you have to do is enter Florahome USA in your Google search with parenthesis around the Florahome USA like this - "Florahome USA" and we will pop up in the search results right under the little Google map of Florahome, Florida. At least at the time this was posted it will. Of course our goal is to get to that front page or close to it without the parenthesis as most people will just type Florahome USA and leave out the " " and get that Floradix iron supplement ad from If your feeling tired and run down, this could be a good thing and you may want to try the Floradix. Otherwise, you may not get back here for a while. At any rate, whether you live in Florahome or somewhere in the Florahome area,... or your just looking to warm your spasmotic forefinger in the Florida sunshine, we're happy you found Florahome USA. That's,... "Florahome USA".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Florahome USA

If you google 'Florahome USA,' right now, (May 5, 2010) the first site you will see returned is one promoting an iron rich supplement. If you google you will not see any information about Florahome in the first website returned for that search either. To see a website with genuine information about Florahome Florida returned first, you must search specifically for Florahome Florida. Florahome Florida is as you would expect, the most searched for term when searching for Florahome in Florida, so with most of the websites that contain actual content about Florahome competing for the top spot for that one search term, it may be a long wait before we manage to make it to page one there. The other two searches - and Florahome USA may be doable with a little time and effort. That's good since those would be the more likely search terms someone would use if they were trying to find this blog. Already, if you do a search for Florahome Florida in Google Blogs, we are listed about 4th place. We also currently come in at the number one spot for the 'Where is Florahome' blog search and of course we're #1 for Florahome USA. Unfortunately many people aren't even sure what a blog is and defintely have no clue where to find one. In case your curious, all you need to do is click the little arrow where it says 'more' on the Google search page and you'll see the word blog. Click on that and type in a search term just like you would any search and you will see a list of the blogs related to your search. Florahome USA would be easy for anyone to find there, but since the majority of those using the Google blog search are other bloggers, we will have to get somewhere near the top for the general search of the web to get the average person to find this site. On the brighter side, it does make it quieter around here and easier to work on the things that still need doing. For instance, a new game was posted on the kid's page today and of course was tested a couple of times to make sure everything was working right. Okay, it was played until the 'King of the Cul-de-sac' level was reached, but everybody's got to have a break sometime. More additions to the link library have been made and hopefully the library will eventually have enough link variety to give most folks something they would be interested in. It's debatable whether to put any news other than local on Florahome USA with there being so few places you can go these days where your not constantly bombarded with bomb scares or oil spills like the one currently headed for the Florida coast. But other people may have a different view of Florahome Florida and what Florahome USA should be - some may prefer to Florahome.calm,... but we'll see.

Monday, May 3, 2010

So where IS Florahome USA or or whatever? Well that's the question we need to get Google to answer when someone asks, but that's not an easy task when no one really knows exactly how Google works except for Google. Florahome USA has now at least been indexed by Google. For those who don't know what that means, it simply means Google now knows where we are but it doesn't think we're worth mentioning unless someone asks POINT BLANK and even then will only let it slip out in the sixth place slot if you put the Florahome USA in parenthesis. Think it's easy gettin' on that first page in Google? Nope. But still, it's good to see our little blog on the first page any way it can get there. So you may ask, why not just put up a sign and tell folks directly? Well let's say we put it on a sign and stick it up some place. 'Visit Florahome USA'. We would then need to let people know how to visit Florahome USA. Well that's easy, just go to Florahome What's a blogspot? Yeah, that's what most folks will say. Blogspot is owned by Google and is who this blog is with. It's a free service which makes it more affordable to try out new ideas (like Florahome USA), but it does make it harder for people to remember when searching for it on the internet. We could just break down and buy the Florahome USA domain and drop the blogspot, but even if it's just Florahome, many people will still be forgetting about the USA part and just be looking for So why not just call it It's already taken. But we're indexed now so let's see if we can push it out there where people can find it no matter what they type in. Since we already have a Florahome USA post, let's see what other searches people looking for this blog might come up with. Well we already have a 'Florahome' post as well as a 'Where is Florahome' post, so if people DO forget to add the USA part, they'll just be searching for, so let's start with that. Okay Googlebot,... see if you can find us at